Losing your connection, or that spark, with your partner is a very common occurrence after the birth of a new child. In addition to the physical, hormonal, sleep, and schedule changes that accompany childbirth, our priorities very often shift to focus solely the needs of the child. While that shift is necessary, it should not be permanent. Prana Prenatal Yoga and Education is pleased to now be offering Relationship Workshops so that you and your partner can regain your connection.
Losing your connection, or that spark, with your partner is a very common occurrence after the birth of a new child. In addition to the physical, hormonal, sleep, and schedule changes that accompany childbirth, our priorities very often shift to focus solely the needs of the child. While that shift is necessary, it should not be permanent. Prana Prenatal Yoga and Education is pleased to now be offering Relationship Workshops so that you and your partner can regain your connection.