www.drrobertshire.com 914-391-7119 [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrRobertshire Instagram: www.instagram.com/drrobertshire I'm from... I was born right here in Westchester County at White Plains Hospital… a long time ago. My childhood was spent in Scarsdale and I graduated from Scarsdale High School in 1985 (now you know how long ago I was born). My education and training… I received my Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Vermont in Burlington. Where I would have liked to major in downhill skiing, but was ultimately guided to a more useful field of study, political science, with a minor in French. I lived in Paris, France and studied at the Universite de Paris a la Sorbonne and the American University of Paris. Je continue parler le Français courament. I earned my Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree with honors from Life University in Atlanta, Georgia in 1999. I simultaneously earned a fellowship with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in Pediatric Chiropractic. I became certified in the Webster Technique after the ICPA offered such a certification separately some years later. My backstory… Following my graduation from college I lived on a Kibbutz in Israel where I spent 6 months learning Hebrew, working and traveling the country. I can speak excellent Hebrew with a 5-year-old. Upon my return to New York, I worked with my family in the jewelry business importing fine precious gems from all over the world. While it may sound glamorous it was not my life's calling. My wife Nancy (27 years) helped me discover chiropractic after asking me some challenging questions on our honeymoon about my skills, talents, interests and passions. Chiropractic hit all the right buttons and checked all the boxes. Shortly after our wedding my newly betrothed and I packed up our life in New York City and moved to Atlanta, GA where I matriculated and then graduated from Life University, School of Chiropractic. I established Shire Family Chiropractic in April 2000 on Central Avenue in Scarsdale and for the next 5 years cared for many families, pregnant moms, and their children. In 2005 I moved my practice to Tru Whole Care on Madison Avenue in Manhattan where I continue to maintain a practice 3 days a week. 2020 brought a global pandemic and I decided to reopen an office in Westchester. The Blum Center for Health is my new home for my Westchester Chiropractic practice. My work style… I listen with big ears to understand the history of each of my patients, where they have been, what trauma’s or injuries they have suffered and what stresses they’re experiencing that may be interfering in their healing. My passion… Is to help people (especially pregnant moms) realize their own inborn healing potential. For over 25 years caring for pregnant moms and children continues to be a very special part of my practice. We say “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree”. The best time to begin chiropractic care is before getting pregnant, the next best time is right now! Regardless of your aches, pains, or symptoms. When I am not practicing chiropractic… I’m spending time with my family, playing bass guitar in my band @Where is Phi, skiing, and enjoying nature. |